Web applications

In this section, you can find web projects which I developed.

web applications

Tic Tac Toe the game, as a part of “Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer” Bootcamp. Source code.

The weather app will show you the weather in a particular city on Earth. You can check the code and details here - source code.

Data analysis

In the Data analysis section, you will find projects related to data analysis.

data analysis

Numpy Jupiter notebook contains general info about how to use numpy library and manipulation with different types of arrays.

Baby name analysis. More detail about why in the article.

breast cancer prediction

simpy example


This project was developed to show how possible to automate similar scenarios on different programming languages and a variety of testing frameworks. I have tried to cover popular testing approaches such as UI testing, API testing, and Performance/Load testing.

alt text

List of repositories:

1) Automaton-v1 UI validation, Python, Selenium, Behave
2) Automaton-v2 UI validation, Python, Selenium, Unittest
3) Automaton-v3 UI validation, Python, Selenium, Pytest
4) Automaton-v4 UI validation, Ruby, Selenium, Cucumber
5) Automaton-v5 API validation, Python, Unittest
6) Automaton-v6 API validation, Python, Pytest
7) Automaton-v7 UI validation, JavaScript, Selenium, Mocha
8) Automaton-v8 UI validation, Java, Selenium, JUnit
9) Automaton-v9 UI | Visual validation, Python, Selenium, Unittest
10) Automaton-v10 Performance | Load validation, Scala, Gatling tool
11) Automaton-v11 UI validation, Java, Selenium, TestNG
12) Automaton-v12 UI validation, Java, Selenium, TestNG, PageFactory
13) Automaton-v13 Java, Junit, Cucumber
14) Automaton-v14 UI validation, Java, JUnit, Cucumber, Selenium, PageFactory
15) Automaton-v15 API validation, JavaScript, Mocha, Chai, Supertest
16) Automaton-v16 Test Infrastructure, Travis CI, Docker, Selenium Grid
17) Automaton-v17 Chatbot validation, Python, Unittest
18) Automaton-v18 Robot framework, Python (Under construction)
19) Automaton-v19 Appium, Android, NodeJS, Python (Under construction)
20) Automaton-v20 API validation, Java, REST assured, JUnit
21) Automaton-v21 UI + REST API validation, Cypress, Mocha
22) Automaton-v22 Performance | Load testing, Python, Locust